CALL JACOB ON 01227 456567

CALL RICHARD ON 01227 456567
Richard Hopkins Founding Director

Mrs Barker is an active lady with a traditional dark wood kitchen.
The kitchen has one small window at one end – so not much natural light – the lights had to be on – even during the day to use the kitchen. The style was very traditional from the doors to the wall tiles and also the floor – it was in dire need of updating!
The layout was okay but the entrance to the kitchen was 'cramped' by the base end wall cabinets along the wall by the door. These cabinets also made the dining area look and feel small. As you can see from the photographs, this kitchen and utility room has a lot of doors and drawers – so potentially a large and costly job.
Mrs Barker wanted a total update to a modern kitchen with no fussy or twiddly bits, that was easy to keep clean. A new floor and wall finish were essential as was an increase in the feeling of space.
Then we got on to the budget – now Mrs B is from Yorkshire and as is the way with Yorkshire folk (I have lived there) the budget was extremely modest.
We had a couple of meetings to go through the possibilities and the prices for the options and happily settled on a final plan that suited Mrs B's overall budget.
We removed the dark and difficult to clean doors and drawer fronts. Mrs B chose the Knebworth – Dove Grey handle-less doors – which made the room light, brighter immediately.
The worktop was to remain and the doors were chosen with this in mind. This saved Mrs B money as did keeping the sink – brightening it up with a new tap in chrome to replace the tired, stained white tap from the old kitchen.
Another money saving decision was the handle-less doors – meaning zero cost for handles and a sleeker look too.
One touch of luxury in the glass splashbacks which look beautiful, adding a highlighting splash of colour and style to the whole kitchen. Incidentally, they are so easy to clean, Mrs B has nearly forgotten having to scrape the dirt from the grout lines of the old tiles behind the hob.
The cramped feeling when entering the old kitchen or sitting at the table has been dealt with by removing that 'run' of base and wall units, then carefully cutting and edging the existing worktop. These were replaced by a small colourful sofa in Chenille.
To finish the whole transformation – the old tiled floor has been replaced with some lovely marble – look tiles which are a perfect foil. To the matt finish of the Dove Grey Doors.
All in all a very satisfying project. Mrs B was delighted and that is the really important benchmark for us.